Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mock PE Lesson using Technology

This is a mock PE lesson using Wild Planet Animal Scramble. The lesson is geared towards younger kids, ages 4-7. The lesson starts out with an explanation of how to use the Giraffe; Using the dark blue button, you turn the Giraffe on. Then you use the light blue arrow buttons to find your game. Once you find your game hit the green Go button. Listen to the prompts and continue to hit the Go button until the Giraffe tells you to begin. There are four animals that go with the Giraffe, a Tiger, Monkey, Elephant and Parrot. When you go over to the animal you must place the Giraffe over top and hear the beep, then you can move on. This lesson is on Memory. After explaining how to use the Giraffe, we go over the toy car from the movie Cars that is next to the elephant and makes noise. Now, whenever you go over to the elephant you are supposed to tap the car so that it says one of the six phrases. Which ever phrase the car says, there is a note card that tells you what you have to do. some of the activities were jumping, hopping, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, sit ups, and push ups.

Positive Points - The lesson went well with the directions that were given. The animals were not spread out to far, and easy to access. The person performing the activity definitely got a little work out from the back and forth.

Changes - There are definitely changes that I would make to this lesson to have it be more successful.
1.Have different activities at each of the Animals, instead of just at the
2.Perform the activity before buzzing in the animal.
3.Set the animals up on an elevated surface so that it isn't so hard to buzz in
the animals.
4.Use locomotor skills to move from animal to animal.

Please leave comments on other ways Wild Planet Animal Scramble can be used!


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